5 Reasons Why the Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies is a smart fit for adult learners with existing college credits

Five reasons why

There’s no timer that begins to tick away when a college student takes a seat in their very first freshman class. No one pulls a lever that initiates a strict four-year countdown to their graduation. People take breaks from college for all kinds of reasons.

The same can be said for why they decide to return.

For those with 60 college credits or more, a degree-completion program like the Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies might be the perfect path toward graduation.

Professional Studies programs are designed to provide students with the skills employers are looking for in the 21st century workplace. Ideal for adult learners with prior college credit, they offer flexibility in both time commitment and the kinds of courses that can be selected to finish the degree.

Here are five reasons why the UNC Charlotte B.S. in Professional Studies makes good sense for those ready to complete their college degrees:

​​5. Created for adult learners who need flexibility.

What makes you curious? American studies? Leadership? Political science?? UNC Charlotte’s B.S. in Professional Studies offers an interdisciplinary approach that’s tailored to each student’s interests and career goals.

The bulk of the degree’s 30 credit hours comes from fulfilling 18 hours within a chosen minor, or within two focus areas, such as political science/public administration and communication studies. It’s important to note that not all minors and focus areas are offered completely online. Work with an advisor to customize your plan of study.

The remaining 12 credit hours for the degree come from core requirements in both sociology and professional studies. Keep reading for more about that later.

4. Save time and money with a generous college credit policy.

With the occasional exception like for computer courses, the college credits we accumulate have no expiration date, whether they’re cashed in for a degree in four years or 14 years. Transfer up to 90 credit hours toward UNC Charlotte’s B.S. in Professional Studies, and it’s possible to finish the degree in just 12 months. The UNC Charlotte Transfer Credit Advisor database can give you an idea which of your completed courses have transfer power. Once admitted into the Professional Studies program, students will receive an official evaluation of their course credits. An advisor can also help students select additional electives needed to reach the 120 credit hours required to earn a bachelor’s degree.

3. Gain the in-demand skills today’s employers want.

How can you make yourself more marketable for today’s workplace? The Professional Studies program’s core requirement courses were selected with that in mind. Learn the sociology behind work, organizations, professionalism and inequality. Courses in Professional Studies also include project management, human resources management and leadership essentials – all in-demand skills employers are looking for in their next hire.

2. Advance in your career in no time.

Getting ahead can mean many things, depending on your situation. Maybe your company’s policy is preventing you from rising any further because you don’t have a bachelor’s degree. Maybe you’re re-entering the workforce after a period of time tending to family obligations. Maybe learning leadership skills will land you that promotion. Maybe you’re changing fields entirely. No matter the reason, a Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies can help provide the solution, and most likely a solid salary bump as well.

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1. Take all courses online.

You’re busy, either with work or any one of life’s many other obligations. The B.S. in Professional Studies is 100% online. No commute necessary. Couple that with UNC Charlotte’s Top 10 ranking in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for best online bachelor’s degree programs, and you have access to not only a convenient education, but a quality one as well.

Finish your college degree at the UNC Charlotte. Learn more about UNC Charlotte’s B.S. in Professional Studies today.