Political Science, B.A.

Program Overview

Boost Your Career With Your Online Degree in Political Science

Have you thought about pursuing a major in political science? Would a degree in political science allow you to further your career aspirations?

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s online Bachelor of Arts in Political Science is a degree-completion program that may be for you. By choosing our online degree in political science, you will build knowledge of and insights into the fields of American politics, international politics, comparative politics and political philosophy. You may also choose to apply your analytical skills to a specific research question or public issue.

UNC Charlotte’s online degree program makes earning your bachelor’s degree and boosting your career options not only possible but practical. With a major in political science, our degree program graduates are well-prepared for careers in areas such as research analysis, journalism, urban and regional planning, government service, the legal system, politics and more.

Program Contact

  • Delivery
  • Credits
    30 Credit Hours
  • Admits
    Spring, Summer & Fall

Earning your bachelor’s degree with a major in political science is ideal for learners who:

  • Have already earned some college credit or an associate degree
  • Work full-time or part-time or have responsibilities that make it challenging to attend classes in person
  • Delayed entering college after high school for work, military service or other reasons
  • Prefer flexible options for completing their college degree

Major (30 hours)

  • Introductory Courses (9 credit hours):
    • POLS 1511 – Local Social Science: Introduction to American Politics (3) *
    • POLS 1501 – Global Social Science: Introduction to Comparative Politics (3) **
    • POLS 1150 – International Politics (3)
  • Methods (3 credit hours):
    • POLS 2220: Political Science Methods
  • Major electives (17 credit hours):
    • Political Philosophy Course (3 credits)
      • POLS 1170: Introduction to Political Philosophy OR
      • POLS 3177: Social and Political Philosophy
    • POLS electives 11-14 credit hours. The online options may vary from year to year, but will likely include:
      • POLS 3104: Mass Media
      • POLS 2120: Introduction to Public Policy 
      • POLS 3125: Healthcare Policy 
      • POLS 3126: Introduction to Public Administration
      • POLS 3128: Politics and Film
      • POLS 3116: Judicial Process
  • Capstone Course (3 credit hours)
    • POLS 4600: Senior Seminar


Electives as needed to complete 120 hours. Students may take a variety of electives including courses in project management, leadership, and human resource management.

Foreign Language Proficiency

In addition to fulfilling General Education requirements all students who earn a degree within the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences are required to demonstrate proficiency in the language of their choice through the 1202 level. Proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

  • Transferring in with an A.A., A.S. or A.F.A. degree
  • Completing three years of the same language in high school
  • Earning transfer or transient credit at a college or university accredited by an accepted accrediting body (NC community colleges would be SPA 111 and SPA 112 for Spanish. Check the Transfer Credit Advisor for other schools and languages.)
  • Achieving a satisfactory score on the foreign languages placement test (in Spanish, French, or German)
  • Completing the courses at UNC Charlotte through the Online Language Exchange.
  • Combination of the above methods.

Application Deadlines for New Students: 

  • July 1 (fall) 
  • November 15 (spring)
  • May 1 (first half summer term)
  • June 1 (second half summer term)

Application Deadlines for Returning Students: 

  • July 29 (fall)
  • December 1 (spring)
  • May 1 (summer)

Admissions & Requirements: 

  • The online Political Science major is designed for learners who:
    • Earned college credit before coming to UNC Charlotte
    • Work full or part-time or has responsibilities caring for others
    • Delayed entering college after high school for work, travel, or military service
    • Prefer flexibility in completing a college degree.
  • Students admitted to the online Political Science major and the online pre-Political Science major qualify for distance education tuition and fees for all courses and are considered distance education (DE) students.
  • Prospective students who have fewer than 24 transferable credit hours should apply for an on-campus program and can submit a change of major request after earning a total of 24 transferable credit hours.
  • In order to be awarded the bachelor’s degree, students must complete a total of 120 credit hours with 30 credit hours in the major.

New Student to UNC Charlotte:

Apply Now

  • Prospective students with at least 24 transferable credit hours should apply at the transfer student portal.
  • Provide all post-secondary transcripts.
  • Don’t forget to submit the application fee.

Returning Student to UNC Charlotte:

Apply Now

  • Students returning to UNC Charlotte after a 12 month absence should apply for readmission.
  • Provide all post-secondary transcripts.
  • Don’t forget to submit the application fee.
  • Are you a returning UNC Charlotte student with 90+ credit hours? You may qualify for a fee waiver as a 49er Finish student.

How will your courses transfer to UNC Charlotte?

  • Transferable courses must be college-level and have a grade of C or higher.
  • Utilize the Transfer Credit Advisor for a list of courses that were previously transferred from your institution.
  • Course equivalency lists are not exhaustive for any school except North Carolina community colleges.

What Can You Do With Your Online Bachelor of Arts in Political Science?

Some UNC Charlotte political science degree holders go on to graduate school to earn a Master of Public Administration degree or even a Ph.D. in public policy. Others may go on to law school or another professional graduate program.

Lightcast, a global leader in labor market analytics research, collectsjob and salary data from UNC Charlotte graduates. Lightcast reportsthat our graduates have obtained positions as:

  • Lawyers
  • Management analysts
  • Paralegals and legal assistants
  • Chief executives
  • Managers
  • Project management specialists
  • Public relations specialists

Some of our political science program graduates go on to work on political campaigns — and run for office themselves. Others have been hired at companies such as:

  • Wells Fargo
  • Bank of America
  • United States Army
  • Lowe’s
  • Amazon
  • City of Charlotte
  • North Carolina General Assembly
  • United States Congress

Lightcast also reports that the average salary for selected political science alumni is $81,500.

Why UNC Charlotte?

Why Earn Your Online Degree in Political Science From UNC Charlotte?

UNC Charlotte offers you a number of advantages, such as:

  • Earn your online degree in political science in as little as 12 months. Our classes are asynchronous, meaning you can complete your coursework when it’s convenient for you. Learn around your busy schedule and your busy life.
  • Learn from experienced political science faculty. Our accomplished faculty includes instructors with political science experience and experts who focus on helping you become a political science expert yourself. They are flexible and supportive, helping to mentor you in your educational pursuits.
  • Experience the same courses and content as in-person learners. The courses for our political science degree program are taught with the same rigor as our face-to-face courses, cover the same amount of course material and are taught by the same faculty.
  • Stand out with a respected, top-tier degree. UNC Charlotte is ranked #3 in the nation for online bachelor’s degrees by U.S. News & World Report. You will earn a highly regarded online degree that employers respect.
Tuition & Fees

Please note: Rates are subject to change. 


  • $189.48 per credit hour

Outside of NC Non-Resident:

  • $348.32 per credit hour

Non Resident:

  • $825.03 per credit hour​

More information regarding tuition and fees »

US News & World Report Ranking

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