Online Programs for Health Care and Human Services Professionals

Online Programs for Health Care and Human Services Professionals
UNC Charlotte offers online academic and professional certificate programs in the areas of health and human services. Multiple academic credit pathways allow students to develop or elevate their professional skills in the fields of nursing, respiratory therapy, mental health, and social work. Our professional credit certificate programs include medical coding specialists.
Professional Credit
Medical Coding Specialist, Professional Certificate
Bachelor’s Programs
Bachelor of Social Work, B.S.W.
Health Systems Management, B.S.
Respiratory Therapy, B.S.
RN to BSN Completion Program
Graduate Certificates
Applied Nursing Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Early Childhood Mental Health, Graduate Certificate
Nurse Administration, Graduate Certificate
Nurse Educator, Graduate Certificate
Respiratory Care Clinical Concepts, Graduate Certificate
Respiratory Care Leadership, Graduate Certificate
Master’s Programs
Community/Public Health Nursing, M.S.N.
Master of Social Work
Nurse Administration, MSN
Nurse Educator, M.S.N.
Respiratory Care, M.S.
Doctor of Nursing Practice